Presenting most popular football brand shop in Thailand, who has given us opportunity to conduct organizing a football’s tournament for children. More than over 24 teams of every age groups on the island and outer province.
More than 700-800 people attending Samui Arena for the 3 competitive days of Ari Football Store tournament. Ari has been well known of its brand for identity customer need to customize names right on the football boots. With the uniqueness of identity customization has expanding Ari into Thai Premier League clubs for maintaining the club brands and to managing sponsorship clubs media socially online. Ari Youth Football tournament has brought along an appearance looks presenter Mika Chunuonsee who has born half Thai (Ko Samui)-Welsh. A bloodline of Mika’s father who plays as a left defender of an mature league on the island has influences Mika to continue his football career as a defender for Thai League 1 club BUFC and as an international player of Thailand team. Samui Arena is gratitude to have managing youth football tournament and was satisfied by Ari managing team who were on site during tournament days.